Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy
Plant name
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Clematis integrifolia 'Alba'

Clematis integrifolia 'Alba'

Clematis integrifolia 'Alba'

Clematis integrifolia 'Alba'

Decoration form flowers
Color of flowers white
Flowering month VI, VII, VIII, IX VI, VII, VIII, IX
Evergreen plant no
Density on 1 m2 5-7
Annual growth 1 m
Aspect sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun
Frost hardiness 3 - 9 Zones 3 - 9

A slender-stemmed, scrambling herbaceous perennial. Stems don’t twine round supports, but they can lean against them. Bell-shaped, nodding, pure white flowers, borne from June to September, followed by silky seed heads.
Best planted on perennial borders or among shrubs. Particularly useful as a ground cover.