Unsere Sorten - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy


Unsere Sorten

1992 begann Dr. Szczepan Marczyński in seiner Baumschule mit der Züchtung und Auslese eigener Sorten der Kletterpflanzen, insbesondere der Clematis. Die ersten Clematis-Sorten aus eigener Züchtung – ‘Barbara’, ‘Hania’PBR und ‘Julka’PBR – sind auf dem Markt seit Sommer 2001. Alle drei Sorten wurden auf internationalen Messen ausgezeichnet.

Die Züchtungen aus unserer Baumschule schmücken die Gärten in aller Welt. Bis 2024 hat Dr. Szczepan Marczyński 80 Clematis-Sorten und 9 Sorten anderer Kletterpflanzen gezüchtet. Die Baumschule hat auch Exklusivrechte in Polen bzw. in Europa für die Kultur und Vermehrung von 9 Kletterpflanzensorten anderer Züchter.

Plants introduced to the market:



Gruppe: Integrifolia

  • 'Once More'PBR eine wunderschöne, neue Sorte, die sich den ganzen Sommer hindurch mit zahlreichen dunkelvioletten Blüten schmückt. Besonders empfehlenswert als Bodendecker oder für Terrassen. Pflegeleicht und resistent.  
  • 'Strawberry Fields'PBR eine hervorragende neue Sorte, die den ganzen Sommer hindurch bis in den späten Herbst hinein in prächtiger Fülle rosaroter Blüten steht. Besonders empfohlen als Bodendecker oder als Kübelpflanze für Terrassen. Pflegeleicht und resistent.

Gruppe: Großblumige Frühblühende Clematis

  • 'Baltic Waves'PBR  eine Sorte mit schönen, großen, violett-blauen, am Rande gewellten Blüten.
  • 'Raspberry Cream'PBR eine Sorte, die schöne, große rosa Blüten mit gelber Mitte hat.
  • 'Zosia'PBR eine Sorte mit schönen großen, dunkelroten samtigen Blüten und kompaktem Wuchs

Gruppe: Großblumige Spätblühende Clematis

  • 'Neonka'PBR eine neue polnische Sorte, die lange und üppig, insbesondere an hellen Standorten, blüht. Die dunkelvioletten Blütenblätter bilden einen schönen Kontrast mit der gelben Blütenmitte.

Gruppe: Viticella

  • 'Scarlet Windmill'PBR eine gesunde und pflegeleichte Sorte, die sich den ganzen Sommer hindurch bis in den Herbst hinein mit prächtigen, intensiv roten Blüten schmückt. Hervorragend als Sichtschutz und zur Begrünung von Gartenstützen aller Art.

Gruppe: Atragene

  • 'Violet Lampion'PBR (Orion'PBR) eine reizende Sorte mit sehr großen (für die Atragene-Clematis) violetten, glockenförmigen einfachen Blüten. Blütezeit von Mitte April bis Anfang Juni.


die frühblühende großblumige Clematis Sorten:

  • 'Birthay Girl'PBR  eine reich blühende Sorte, violett-rote Blüten mit einem roten Streifen. Halbgefüllte Blüten im Frühjahr, einfache im Sommer.
  • 'First Light'PBR  eine reich blühende Sorte mit cremeweißen Blüten. Gefüllte und halbgefüllte Blüten im Frühjahr, einfache im Sommer.
  • 'Hot Kisses'PBR  eine reich blühende polnische Sorte mit roten Blüten. Gefüllte und halbgefüllte Blüten im Frühjahr, einfache im Sommer. Empfohlen für sonnige Standorte.
  • 'Hot Love'PBR  eine reich blühende polnische Sorte mit intensiv roten (bordeauxroten) Blüten. Gefüllte und halbgefüllte Blüten im Frühjahr, einfache im Sommer. 

die spätblühende großblumige Clematis Sorten:

  • 'Jan Karski'  weiße Blüten mit blauviolettem Rand. Reich blühend, insbesondere auf gut beleuchteten Standorten


  • LUMINOUS® DUSK  eine Clematis-Sorte mit goldgelben Laubblättern und glockenförmigen, gefüllten, lila-rosa-farbigen, duftenden Blüten. Blütezeit Ende April und Mai. Von Juni bis in den Herbst hinein ausgefallene flauschige Blütenstände. Sehr frosthart und wenig anspruchsvoll;
  • LUMINOUS® SNOW  eine Clematis-Sorte mit goldgelben Laubblättern und glockenförmigen, weißen, gefüllten Blüten. Blütezeit Ende April und Mai. Von Juni bis in den Herbst hinein ausgefallene flauschige Blütenstände. Sehr frosthart und wenig anspruchsvoll;



Clematis Early-flowered group:

Viticella group:

Flammula Group:



Early-Flowered Clematis group:

Clematis 'Jan III Sobieski’ 
Clematis 'My Beauty’PBR

Late-Flwered Clematis group:

Clematis 'Floral Dance’PBR 
Clematis 'Snow Storm’PBR 

Atragene group Clematis:

Clematis 'Blue Surprise’
Clematis 'Golden Surprise’PBR 
Clematis 'Pink Surprise’ 
Clematis 'Purple Surprise’PBR 
Clematis 'Violet Surprise’PBR



Clematis 'Golden Dream'PBR- cultivar bearing always semi-double and double, lime-yellow and bell-shaped flowers, smelling of grapefruit.

Actinidia arguta HOKEY POKEY® self-pollinating cultivar with decorative, green leaves of an irregular lemon yellow margin. The fruit tastes like kiwi with a hint of lemon. Its ripen at the end of September and October. Particularly suitable for growing in home gardens.

Lonicera japonica 'Kogel-mogel'


Clematis 'Lavender Beauty'

Clematis 'Pink Beauty'



Clematis 'Kaśka' - attractive cultivar of large yellow flowers and compact habit. Robust and easy to maintain.

Clematis 'Maria Kaczyńska' - cultivar of charming white flowers with wavy sepals. Particularly useful in small gardens and in containers, in balconies and terraces. Looks pretty against dark background. 

Clematis 'Lech Kaczyński' - cultivar of purple-violet, velvety flowers. Suitable especially for small gardens and for container cultivation in balconies and terraces. It looks particularly attractive against light-coloured background.

Clematis 'My Darling'PBR - an intriguing cultivar of double and semi-double purple-red flowers. Repeats blooming at the end of summer. Perfect for container cultivation.



Clematis 'Azure Ball'PBR - attractive cultivar of large, double and semi-double flowers with light blue-violet sepals. Flowers abundantly from May till July.

Clematis 'Change of Heart'PBR- abundantly and long-flowering cultivar of intriguing flowers that change colour while opening. Recommended for all types of gardens.

Clematis 'Copernicus'PBR- an attractive cultivar of bright blue, semi-double flowers appearing in abundance throughout summer. Recommended for cultivation in all types of domestic gardens.

Clematis 'First Love'PBR- cultivar of charming, white, always semi-double flowers opening from June till August. Recommended for growing in domestic gardens and in large pots in balconies and terraces.



Clematis 'Mazurek'PBR- strong growing vine covered from June till August with a mass of bright pink flowers.  Suitable for container cultivation.

Hydrangea anomala GREEN RACER® - a compact but fast growing cultivar of heart-shaped or ovate leaves. Flowers gathered in umbels open in June and July. Frost hardy, undemanding and disease and pest resistant, particularly recommended for small gardens.

Clematis ‘Cloudburst’PBR- cultivar of intriguing light pink-violet flowers turning white towards the centre, with pinkish veins. The plant reaches 3 m height. Relatively undemanding, robust cultivar.

Clematis ‘Grunwald’PBR - cultivar with dark purple-violet, velvety flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, consisting of 6 (sometimes 4-5) rhomboid, pointy sepals, dark violet underneath with a pink bar along the middle. The plant reaches 3-3.5 m height. It is an undemanding, robust cultivar.

Clematis 'Innocent Glance'PBR- cultivar with double flowers borne on old wood, 14-15 cm across composed of 40-60 elliptic, pointy, pale pink sepals with darker margins which grow paler past full-bloom. On new growth flowers are single, formed with 6-7 pale pink sepals. Reaches 2 m height.

Clematis ‘Morning Sky’PBR - cultivar with light violet-pink, nearly circular flowers that get lighter towards the centre and are ornamented with pinkish veins. Flowers 8-10 cm in diameter, consist of 4-6 rhomboid, pointy sepals, which underneath are light violet with white-pink bar along the middle. The plant reaches 3 m height. Relatively undemanding, robust cultivar.

Clematis ‘Skyfall’PBR- cultivar of light blue flowers with irregular light violet splashes getting lighter towards the centre and with pinkish veins. The plant reaches 2.5 m height. Relatively undemanding, robust cultivar.

Clematis ‘Stefan Franczak’- cultivar named in honour of Jesuit brother Stefan Franczak. Bright blue flowers bearing a lighter bar along the midrib, whitening towards the centre. The plant reaches 1.7-2 m height. Suitable for container cultivation.

Clematis 'Viva Polonia'PBR - cultivar with cheerful, single, red-white flowers pointing upwards and outside, 12-15 cm across. It grows up to 2 m. Preferred sites are sunny but not overheated.



Spring presale: Clematis 'Maria Skłodowska Curie'PBR - an exceptional cultivar with double white flowers, which during cool weather gain greenish colouring, especially at the base. Golden anthers on creamy filaments brighten up the flowers which are borne abundantly from June till July covering the plant from 80 cm of its height to the top.
Named honour the Polish-French Noble Prize winner.

Maria Skłodowska



Clematis 'Blue Pillar' - the latest cultivar in Szczepan Marczyński's nursery. Compact, with flowers 10-12 cm in diameter consisting of six elliptic, bright blue sepals with a lighter bar along the middle and slightly wavy edges; anthers are purple on white filaments and pistils are yellow. Flowers cover the plant tightly from top to bottom. Free-flowering from June till July. Dark green, glossy leaves  usually consist of three pointed elliptic leaflets. Reaches 2 m height.

Frost Grape (Vitis riparia) ‘Ania’- this new Polish variety selected by Szczepan Marczyński is a vigorous climber with female flowers. Should there be a male plant (e.g. 'Tomek') in the vicinity, it yields edible but not very tasty fruit, especially attractive for birds. Light green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Climbs by means of tendrils. Undemanding, tolerant of draughts and saline soil, frost hardy. It is suitable for growing over high fences, arbours and unsightly buildings. Particularly useful in large gardens and for covering large spaces such as acoustic walls.

Frost Grape (Vitis riparia) ‘Tomek’ - a new Polish cultivar selected by Szczepan Marczyński. Vigorous climber with male, fragrant flowers. A good pollinator for female plants. Its light green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Climbs by means of tendrils. Undemanding, tolerant of draughts and saline soil, frost hardy. Suitable for growing over high fences, arbours or unsightly buildings. It is useful in large gardens and for covering large spaces, especially where pollination is not called for, e.g. acoustic walls or around areas where indigenous plants of value grow.



Large-flowered early flowering Clematis:

Clematis 'Diamond Ball'PBR - white-blue flowers are full, round or semi-spherical when full-blown (30-50 sepals). Blooms abundantly nearly from the very bottom of the plant in June-July. It usually continues flowering in August, although less profusely. Reaches 2 m in height. Thrives in sunny sites and looks particularly well when displayed against dark background.
While searching for a name for this beautiful cultivar, the breeder noted that its full flowers have an opalescent glow at the edges, just like a beautifully cut diamond, hence the name “diamond ball”.

Clematis 'Innocent Blush'PBR - double flowers on old wood, single on new shoots. Tepals are light pink with a darker, deeper pink blush on the edges and in the central bar. Flowers are borne at the end of May till July and reappear, although less profusely, in August - September. Reaches 2 m in height. It looks pretty climbing over natural supports such as deciduous or coniferous shrubs as well as over dwarf shrubs that don’t require hard pruning.
An American cousin of the breeder noted that the light pink flowers with dark pink edges look as if they were blushing, hence the name “innocent blush”.

Clematis of the Atragene Group:

The following group is the realization of one of the goals of Clematis cultivation led by Szczepan Marczyński. He wanted to develop very frost-hardy, undemanding and early blooming (the Atragene Group characteristics) Clematis that would bear attractive flowers – large, double and of various colours (among others much wanted yellow-flowered cultivars).
All the selected cultivars have very attractive flowers: bell-shaped, nodding, with a pleasant grapefruit-like scent and four of them bear double flowers. The blooms are quite large for the Atragene Group – over 10 cm across. The plants flower abundantly in spring on old wood (earlier than the large-flowered varieties) and repeat the flowering on a smaller scale in summer. They also have pretty leaves – three-leafed, with a visible texture and toothed edges. They are suitable for urban greenery, parks, squares, and for unrestrained sprawling over fences, garden supports, stones, old tree trunks, and deciduous and coniferous shrubs. They make good ground covers.

Clematis 'Lemon Beauty'PBR - it has single light lemon-yellow flowers that are lime coloured during budding, set on purple pedicles. In full bloom the colour whitens. Flowers borne in May and once more - although less abundantly - in summer. It reaches 2-3 m in height.

Clematis 'Lemon Dream'PBR - always double flowers are light lemon-yellow and during budding – lime coloured. In full bloom the colour whitens. Blooms in May and again - although less abundantly - in summer. It reaches 2,5 m in height.

Clematis 'Pink Dream'PBR - always double flowers, fairly wavy along the edges. On the outside they are pink with darker purplish-pink spots especially at the flower base and along its ribs. On the underside the light-pink colour verges on creamy. Flowers borne in May and once more - although less abundantly - in summer. It reaches 2-3 m in height.

Clematis 'Pink Swing'PBR - always double flowers, creamy-pink on the outside, on the underside light-pink or nearly cream coloured. Flowers are borne in May and once more - although less abundantly - in summer. It reaches 2-3 m in height.

Clematis 'Purple Dream'PBR - always double flowers with fancifully twisting and pointed sepals which are creamy-crimson on the outside and light pink on the inside. Flowers in May and once more - although less abundantly - in summer. It reaches 2-3 m in height.

Bluszcz pospolity (Hedera helix) 'Białystok'-this cultivar is more frost hardy than other varieties of the Common ivy, and also proves more resistant to bacteriosis attacking the species. It has attractive large evergreen leaves (8-12 cm). Dark green on the upper side, underside is light green, as are the veins on both sides. Reaches 20 m in height.
Since the mid 90’s Szczepan Marczyński carried out an observation of various varieties and cultivars of ivy obtained from various sources searching for the most frost-hardy, undemanding and draught-tolerant specimen that would at the same time be decorative and strong-propagating. The cultivar obtained at the natural habitat near Białystok proved to be the best. In 2012 it was named ‘Białystok’ and introduced to the market.



Clematis 'Beautiful Bride'PBR - a spectacularly blooming cultivar with very large white flowers that can have up to 28 cm across. It blooms abundantly from May to July fully covering the plant from top to bottom. The blooming is repeated in the summer, yet it is not as profuse then. It grows up to 2-3 m high. Exposure to wind, full sun and heat should be avoided. The plant was awarded the golden medal at Plantarium 2011 (Holland), an honorable mention at 2011 ‘Zieleń to Życie’ (Green is Life) exhibition (Poland) and the silver medal at the 2011 Cvety exhibition (Russia).
The seedling no. 197-94 in bloom was fully covered with flowers, which made it look like a ghost or like a bride wearing a wedding gown and a veil. The second association was the source of its English name ‘Beautiful bride’ that the breeder gave it in anticipation of the international renown of the plant. The cultivar is very popular in Europe, the USA and in Asia. It is protected in Europe and holds an American patent.

Clematis 'Blue Explosion'PBR - an abundantly blossoming cultivar with large blue flowers with pink pigmentation. Flowers are semi-full on the previous year shoots in May-June and single on new shoots from July to mid-September. It grows up to 2.5 – 3 m high. Sunny site recommended.
When the plant comes into bloom, in 2-3 days it’s covered with semi-double blue flowers, hence the name “blue explosion”.

Clematis 'Krakowiak'PBR, Viticella Group - a charming cultivar, blooming profusely over a long period, from mid-June to September. It has glaring pink flowers, with a red and pink stripe across the sepals. It grows fast, up to 3 m high. It can be grown on any stand and in any ordinary garden soil. This plant is easy to grow. It is completely frost-resistant. It can be used in urban greenery, home gardens and in large containers on balconies and terraces. It was awarded the silver medal at the 2011 Plantarium in Holland, the golden medal at the 2011 ‘Zieleń to Życie’ (Green is Life) exhibition in Warsaw, and the silver medal at the 2011 Cvety exhibition in Moscow.
It was named after a Polish dance – krakowiak. The sepals are pink with a darker bar and they form an open bell when in full bloom. When the wind makes them sway they look like swirling couples wearing Cracow folk suits.

Clematis 'Sweet Summer Love’PBR, the Flammula Group - its small flowers (3-4,5 cm across) have an intense pleasant scent and are incredibly colourful with shades ranging from red to purple. It produces abundant blossom in July-August and continues to bloom until early October. It has small, dark green leaves, which remain pleasant looking until autumn. Sunny stand recommended. It grows up to 3,5 m high. In 2011 it was awarded two prestigious prices: the silver medal at the Cvety exhibition in Moscow and the bronze medal at the Plantarium in Holland. In 2012 it appeared on the cover of the Spring Meadow Nursery catalogue. It has also been described on one of the most popular, British websites devoted to horticulture. Graham Rice, garden journalist and author wrote a post regarding this cultivar on his blog in the My Garden section of the Royal Horticultural Society website.
A cultivar obtained through controlled cross-breeding. In summer and autumn the plant is covered with masses of sweet-scented colourful flowers. Its name refers to an American name of the Clematis terniflora – “sweet autumn clematis”, which blooms in autumn and covers with white fragrant flowers.

Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) 'Yellow Wall'PBR - a cultivar with large matt leaves that are green in summer and yellow in autumn. It grows up to 10-20 m high, climbing by means of tendrils tipped with few adhesive pads. This variety is frost-resistant, not very demanding and adaptable to ordinary soils. It can grow in sunny and semi-shade positions. To be used on fences and various supports. An excellent plant to create autumn colours compositions.
In December 2005 Szczepan Marczyński noted on his own enlarged photo that was on the cover of a 2006 Clematis nursery calendar that next to the red coloured leaves of the Virginia creeper growing over the nursery fence there are also some yellow-coloured leaves. At first he thought that a Celastrus seedling must have grown there, but he found no other plants apart from Virginia creeper specimens. Intrigued by the discovery he continued his observations and in September 2006 he discovered that the yellow leafs appear on one of the Virginia creeper plants. He marked its shoots, rooted them the following spring, planted in the nursery collection and observed. The autumn yellow-foliage characteristic turned out to be stable and the selected cultivar looked very interesting and unusual, since none of the Virginia creeper cultivars known so far had yellow foliage in autumn. Therefore he named it “Yellow Wall” and introduced to the market in 2011.



Clematis 'Królowa Jadwiga'PBR - silky white round flat flowers with slightly wavy edges and a prominent mid-rib. In spring, especially during cool weather, a greenish bar appears along the midrib. The stamens are handsomely arranged in a form of a crown of purple anthers contrasting with white filaments. Flowers appear from the end of May to September. It has large deep-green leaves and attractive seedheads. It grows 2-2,5 m high. The cultivar was awarded silver medals in 2009 at the ‘Zieleń to Życie’ (Green is Life) exhibition and in 2010 at the Plantarium exhibition in Boskoop, Holland and at the Cvety exhibition in Moscow.
Pure white flowers with an exceptionally beautiful crown of dark anthers of the no. 155-95 seedling asked for a name related to a crowned head. Szczepan Marczyński chose to name it after Jadwiga of Poland – a Polish monarch and a saint of Catholic Church.

Clematis 'Oberek', Viticella Group - a cultivar with delicate powder pink flowers. A healthy and undemanding plant. It flowers profusely in June-July and continues until autumn although blooms are less abundant. It attains the height of 2,5-4 m. It looks charming when climbing up small trees and shrubs, both coniferous and deciduous. The display is particularly attractive against darker background contrasting with the subtle hue of the flowers.
There are cultivars of the Viticella group that are named after dances, such as ‘Tango’, ‘Minuet’ or ‘Foxtrot’. Szczepan Marczyński enhanced the list with a Polish folk dance particularly popular in Mazowsze.

Clematis 'Vistula'PBR it bears very large pale violet-blue flowers with slightly wavy edges. It starts flowering in June but the bloom is the most profuse in August when other cultivars are already finishing their flowering period. It attains the height of 2,5-3 m. It looks charming when planted together with plants with yellow foliage.
The beautiful colour of the flowers of the seedling no. 1969-95 gave the breeder the idea to look for a name related to water. The obvious choice then was Wisła – the queen of Polish rivers. The English version of its name was used as an English name.



Clematis 'Wildfire'– a cultivar with large bicolored flowers - violet-blue with a red-purple bar. Blooms abundantly in May-June and continues flowering until late autumn although less profusely. It attains a height of 2-3 m. It can climb over natural supports, such as deciduous and coniferous shrubs that don’t require hard pruning. It looks particularly attractive planted against a light background and next to yellow-leafed or yellow-flowered plants.



Clematis 'Bieszczady' – a late-flowering cultivar with pink flowers with a pale, almost white central bar. Claret anthers on pink filaments. Blooms from the end of June to September. Achieves a height of 2-3 m.
Clematis ‘Bieszczady’ is one of a series of three cultivars named after the regions of Poland with which the breeder felt and still feels connected. Bieszczady are the favourite mountain range of Szczepan Marczyński, who was for a long time an active Beskids’ guide. During his studies and shortly afterwards he used to organize and lead hiking camps and student rallies as a member of a Student Association of Beskids’ guides. It was also in Bieszczady where he met his future wife. The seedling was named Bieszczady because the colour of its flowers resembles flowering meadows and poloninas of Bieszczady.

Clematis 'Mazowsze' a cultivar with crimson velvety flowers on long stems. Blooms from the end of June to September. It reaches the height of 2-3,5 m It thrives best in airy sites. Awarded the silver medal at the 2006 ‘Zieleń to Życie’ (Green is Life) exhibition in Warsaw.
Clematis ‘Mazowsze’ is one of a series of three cultivars named after the regions of Poland with which the breeder felt and still feels connected. Szczepan Marczyński was born and lives in Mazowsze. Dark red-crimson colour of the flowers refers to the blood shed during many important uprisings for Polish independence and the battles fought in Mazowsze, as well as to the royal crimson colour.

Clematis 'Mazury' – a cultivar with large double blue flowers with a nice regular structure. The outer circle of the tepals is mottled with green. Flowers appear from the end of June to September. It grows up to 2-3 m high. Thrives best in full sun. The cultivar was awarded the silver medals at the 2006 ‘Zieleń to Życie’ (Green is Life) exhibition and at the Plantarium 2010 fairs in Holland.
Clematis 'Mazury’ is one of a series of three cultivars named after the regions of Poland with which the breeder felt and still feels connected. Szczepan Marczyński values the peace and the beautiful landscape of the Masuria region, and enjoys spending the holidays there in his summer house. The charming blue flowers of this cultivar remind him of the blue of the Masuria’s lakes.

Woodbine Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) 'Chojnów' FRAGRANT CLOUD PBR a cultivar with a compact growth habit and a long flowering period (June - September). Flowers are red-purple on the outside and beige inside, and have a strong agreeable scent. Ornamental red fruits (August - October) appear on the plant in late summer, concurrently with flowers. It doesn’t have any particular requirements regarding sol and site but in spring it’s often subject to attack by aphides, especially in excessively dry or hot positions. Particularly useful in small gardens and in places where we often spend time and can appreciate its fragrance - close to windows, doors r benches. It was awarded the bronze medal at the HTA National Plant Show 2011.
In 1999, while visiting a Jolanta Jeziorska’s garden in Chojnów near Warsaw, Szczepan Marczyński spotted an interesting honeysuckle. He took some cuttings and planted them in the nursery collection. He observed them over time comparing to other honesuckle seedlings from various sources. The plant showed many valuable characteristics: an intense appealing fragrance, abundant flowering starting at the bottom of the plant that lasted all summer, and a compact growth habit. In 2006, in agreement with Jolanta Jeziorska he named the cultivar after the place it was found, bought the rights and introduced it to the market. The plant gained popularity in many countries, but its name proved incomprehensible, so in 2009 it received the trade name Fragrant Cloud.



In 2004, due to the approaching 25th anniversary of foundation of NSZZ „Solidarity”, Szczepan Marczyński, who was in the 80’s an activist of the union, named three seedlings in honour of the Solidarity movement symbols:  ‘Solidarność’, ‘Jerzy Popiełuszko’ and ‘Lech Wałęsa’.

Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa'this variety is a truegem for gardening connaisseurs. It is often chosen for collections both because of its name and exceptional flowers reaching 20 cm in diameter. They are of an unususal colour, difficult to capture in a photo – they are pale blue-violet with darker margins and nearly white in the middle. Wavy tepal edges and recurving  tips give the flowers an unusual appearance. They resemble lily flowers. 'Lech Wałęsa' blooms profusely in June slowly receding throughout summer and autumn. Reaches 2-3 m in height. It thrives in light spots protected from direct sunshine. The variety is especially useful for growing against dark background and for container cultivation. Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa' was awarded the golden medal at Plantarium 2005 fairs in Holland.
‘Lech Wałęsa’ variety earned its name due to its tepals that spread vigorously and bear resemblance to Lech Wałęsa’s - the former Polish president and the Peace Noble Prize winner - signature moustache.  It was first presented to the public at the 12th International Exhibition Zieleń to Życie (Green is Life) in Warsaw. Immediately after the exhibition opening, the plant-naming ceremony took place, presided by Mrs Danuta Wałęsa.  Lech Wałęsa, who had been at Czesław Miłosz funeral in Cracow, joined his wife shortly after.  The couple attended the exhibition and then visited our Nursery in Pruszków. They were surprised by the high quality, large-scale production and modern equipment of the nursery. They were offered a Clematis ‘Lech Wałęsa’ cultivar as well as a Clematis ‘Danuta – a cultivar bred and named a few years before by a Jesuit, brother Stefan Franczak.

Clematis 'Jerzy Popiełuszko'a charming cultivar with silky white flowers and coffee anthers on white filaments, borne profusely over a long period, from May until October. The blooms cover the plant from top to bottom, what makes it an excellent plant for terraces and balconies or small gardens. Awarded the gold medal at the Plantarium 2005 Arboricultural Trade Fair in Holland an at Gardenia 2011 exhibition.
Named in honour of the blessed Polish priest Jerzy Popiełuszko – a chapelain of NSZZ “Solidarność” murdered by SB officers. White flowers covering the plant from top to bottom were the reason why this particular seedling was given the name of the priest Jerzy. White colour of the flowers is the biblical symbol of innocence, purity, truth – the victory of good against evil and death.

Clematis 'Solidarność' a cultivar with vivid red velvety flowers with a lighter bar along the center. The tepals can sometimes have irregular white spots. Deep red anthers on yellow-white filaments. The bloom is abundant and long-lasting, from May to September. It has a compact growth habit (up to 1,5 m high), what makes it an excellent plant for containers and small gardens. Awarded the silver medal at the Plantarium 2005 Arboricultural Trade Fair in Holland.
It was named in honour of  NSZZ “Solidarność” in the eve of the 25th anniversary of its foundation. The breeder chose a seedling with intense red flowers, as in the Solidarność wordmark. The intention of the breeder was to name at the same time two compact Clematis cultivars with similar blooming times and white and red flowers, so that they could create Polish national colours in garden compositions.

Clematis 'Polonez', Viticella Group – a healthy, free flowering (June – September) cultivar growing 2,5 m high. Wine-red textured flowers with a lighter bar and yellow anthers. It copes well in moderate soil but needs a sunny site to perform best. It’s easy to grow what makes it a great plant for beginners. It can be planted among other plants where she can creep along the ground or climb over natural supports. 
The name comes from Polonez, a Polish national representative dance. There are other cultivars in the Viticella group named after dances, e.g. ‘Tango’, ‘Minuet’ or ‘Foxtrot’. The breeder wanted thus enhance the list with a Polish dance.

Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) REDWALL® 'Troki' - a variety with exceptionally attractive large glossy leaves, green in summer, turning to deep fiery red in autumn. A vigorous self-clinging climber attaching itself by means of leaf tendrils. It grows up to 10-20 m high with 1-2 m of annual growth. Fully hardy, healthy and quite undemanding. An excellent subject for growing over fences, but may also be trained over walls, arbors, pergolas and other supports. Suitable for a container on a balcony. Makes good ground cover.
During his visit to Lithuania in 1988, around the city of Troki, Szczepan Marczyński spotted in the wayside thicket a specimen of the Virginia creeper growing among other plants of the genus, but it had much bigger and glossy leaves. He tooks some cuttings and after bringing them to the nursery, he rooted them, planted in the collection and observed. The plant was introduced to the market in 2004 under the name ‘Troki’.  Due to its particularly attractive leaves it quickly gained popularity in many countries, the name, however, bore little meaning to most of the people. Therefore, in 2011 Szczepan Marczyński gave it a trade name Redwall®, which illustrates its autumn looks – a long lasting wall of intense red glossy leaves.



Ampelopsis aconitifolia 'Seattle'– this variety growth is slower than that of the species on average, making it perfect for smaller gardens. At the beginning of the season young shoots and leaf petioles are crimson and later turn pink. The plant looks particularly attractive in autumn when it bears red fruit on red stalks while the leaves turn beautiful golden. It reaches 4 m in height.
Cultivar selected from seedlings brought by Szczepan Marczyński from Seattle area in USA.



Arctic kiwi (Actinidia kolomikta) 'Adam'– male variety, a good pollinator for female plants. Its leaves become attractively splashed with white and later with white-pink in May-June. It reaches 3-4 m in height.
Selected by Szczepan Marczyński, named after Biblical Adam.

Clematis 'Barbara'PBR– profusely blooming variety with unusual flower colour: sepals of a pretty, intense pink with darker, vibrant splashes and claret-red anthers. Free-flowering over a long period, from the end of May till mid-July and again from the end of August till September. It reaches 3 m in height. It thrives in light spots protected from the direct sunlight. Awarded the gold medal in 2002 Plantarium exhibition in Holland.
Named after the breeder’s wife, Barbara Marczyńska, who chose the seedling among others to be named.

Clematis 'Hania'PBR– a compact variety with attractive bicoloured flowers: bright strawberry-red with pink  margins and nicely contrasting golden-yellow anthers. Free-flowering over a long period, from May to August with a pause in July. It doesn’t like hot and sunny areas. It thrives in eastern, northern or western aspects. Reaches 2-2,5 m in height. Awarded gold medal in 2002 Plantarium exhibition in Holland.
Named in honour of the breeder’s mother, Anna Marczyńska, after her short name used by the family. Anna Marczyńska was a gardener and a great plant lover. 

Clematis 'Julka'PBR– profusely blooming variety with velvety, bicoloured flowers of different casts and combinations of purple and red. Blooms from June till August and reaches 2 m in height. It prefers eastern, northern or western aspect. Awarded the silver medal in 2002 Plantarium exhibition in Holland.
Named in honour of the cultivator’s youngest daughter Julianna Marczyńska, after the short name used by the family.



Trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans) 'Ursynów'– a robust cultivar with attractive brilliant orange flowers in July-September and with large leaves. Starts blooming already in its second year after planting. It copes relatively well with Polish winters. Reaches 6-10 m in height.
This resilient cultivar has been selected by Szczepan Marczyński from a seedling of unknown origin that climbed over and covered with flowers an 10-floor building in Dembowskiego Street in the Warsaw district Ursynów.