Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

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Clematis montana 'Elizabeth'
Anemone Clematis 'Elizabeth'

A vigorous, profusely flowering climber. A wall of hundreds of light pink, slightly vanilla scented flowers, 6 cm across, with 4 tepals and yellow anthers on creamy filaments can stay on the plant even for a few weeks in May and June. Flower buds and some..

Bred by George R. Jackman, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1953.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light pink 4-8 m small V, VIV, VI S, E, W 1 (none) 6B - 9Zones 6B - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 6B - 9Zones 6B - 9

Clematis montana 'Mayleen'
Anemone Clematis 'Mayleen'

A vigorous, profusely flowering climber. A thick wall of hundreds of light pink, slightly vanilla scented flowers, 5-7 cm across, can stay on the plant even for a few weeks in May and June. 4 wide tepals, lighter and wavy at the edges and yellow anthers o..

Introduced by Jim Fisk, United Kingdom in 1984
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light pink 4-8 m small V, VIV, VI S, E, W 1 (none) 6B - 9Zones 6B - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 6B - 9Zones 6B - 9

Clematis montana var. rubens
Anemone Clematis var. rubens

A beautiful, very strong-growing and floriferous climber. During May and June a mass of scented, rosy mauve-pink flowers, abundantly scattered over the whole plant, can last as long as a few weeks. Unfortunately flower buds and sometimes stems tend to fre..

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pink 8 m small VV S, E, W 1 (none) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9

Clematis montana 'Freda'
Anemone Clematis 'Freda'

A rampant growing florifeorus climber. Small bright cherry-pink flowers, the tepals with darker edges. Requires a sheltered, warm position. It can freeze during harsh winters and therefore will not flower the following spring. Suitable for growing into t..

Raised by F. Deacon, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1985.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
cherry-pink 3-5 m small VV S, E, W 1 (none) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9

Clematis 'Taiga'PBR
Clematis 'Taiga'PBR

An intriguing new cultivar of double, extravagant flowers. Blooms abundantly in summer. A valuable adornment of any type of a garden or a terrace. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers highly decorative, violet-blue with green-yellow petal tips, always double, of ..

Raised by Shigeaki Ochiai in Japan. In the market since 2016.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
2-2.5 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9

Clematis terniflora 'Early Snow'
Sweetautumn Clematis 'Early Snow'

An attractive feature in autumn garden – rampant vine covered during the season with hundreds or even thousands of white, star-like flowers, 2-3.5 cm in diameter, gathered in panicles.  Flowers consist of 4-5 sepals and white stamens (both anthers and fil..

Selected by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland, 2002. On the market since 2014. Originates from seeds collected in a natural site in Japan.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white 3-4 m small IX, X, XIIX, X, XI S, E, W 2-3 (medium) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2-3 (medium) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9

Clematis 'Ryuan'
Clematis 'Ryuan'

An interesting Japanese cultivar of purple-dark blue velvety flowers 10 cm in diameter, consisting of 4 narrow, eliptic sepals and dark violet anthers on light violet filaments. Flowers borne from mid-June till September. Leaves single or trifoliate, ofte..

Raised by Mikiyoshi Chikuma, Japan, before 2008 as a result of crossing Clematis florida with Clematis integrifolia
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
purple-dark blue 1.5-1.7 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9

Clematis 'Sweet Summer Love' PBR
Clematis 'Sweet Summer Love' PBR

A Polish variety developed by Szczepan Marczyński, offered for sale in 2011. Its small purple flowers (3-4.5 cm in diameter) have intense pleasant scent. It produces abundant blossom in July-August and continues to bloom until early October. It has small,..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2011.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
purple, fragrant 3 m small VII, VIII, IXVII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 6 - 7Zones 6 - 7
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 6 - 7Zones 6 - 7

Clematis 'Happy Diana'
Clematis 'Happy Diana'

A Japanese cultivar of the largest flowers in Texensis Group. Flowers are deep pink, tulip-shaped. Bloom profusely throughout summer. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers small, 4–7 cm across, deep pink, consisting of 4 sepals strongly curled at the tips. They ..

Found as a sport of ‘Princes Diana’ cultivar by Tuneo Tshigura, Japan, ca. 2006.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pink 3-4 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9