Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

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Clematis 'Princess Red'
Clematis 'Princess Red'

Fetching, Japanese cultivar of bell-shaped, nodding, pleasantly fruity-scented flowers, 3-3.5 cm in diameter. Flowers consist of 4 carmine sepals with light pink margins and pointy, strongly curled tips. On the outside, sepals have 5 delicate ribs. Stamen..

Raised by Mikiyoshi Chikuma, Japan, before 2008.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
carmine 2.5-3 m small VII, VIII, IX, XVII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis 'Fay'
Clematis 'Fay'

Exceptionally free flowering, fetching cultivar of bell-shaped, nodding flowers 2-3 cm in diameter consisting of 4 light pink sepals with lighter margins and strongly curling tips. On the outside sepals are slightly ribbed and on the inside are creamy-pin..

Raised in 2003 by Willem Straver, Germany. On the market since 2007.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light pink 2 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis 'Sophie'
Clematis 'Sophie'

Charming, elegant Japanese cultivar of bell-shaped, nodding flowers, 1.5-2 cm in diameter consisting of 4 violet sepals with lighter margins and pointy, strongly curled tips on long, purple pedicles.  On the outside of the sepals there are 3 delicate ribs..

Raised in 1992 by Mikiyoshi Chikuma, Japan. Named in 2001.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet, bell-shaped 0.5-1 m small V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis terniflora 'Early Snow'
Sweetautumn Clematis 'Early Snow'

An attractive feature in autumn garden – rampant vine covered during the season with hundreds or even thousands of white, star-like flowers, 2-3.5 cm in diameter, gathered in panicles.  Flowers consist of 4-5 sepals and white stamens (both anthers and fil..

Selected by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland, 2002. On the market since 2014. Originates from seeds collected in a natural site in Japan.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white 3-4 m small IX, X, XIIX, X, XI S, E, W 2-3 (medium) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2-3 (medium) 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9

Clematis 'Floral Dance' PBR
Clematis 'Floral Dance' PBR

A new Polish cultivar of always double or semi-double, violet-blue flowers appearing on new growth. Raised by Szczepan Marczyński. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE:  Medium-sized flowers of 5-7 cm diameter, violet-blue with a purple stripe, always double. Consist of..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue 2-2.5 m small VI, VIIVI, VII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis heracleifolia 'Pink Dwarf'
Clematis heracleifolia 'Pink Dwarf'

An attractive, low growing perennial cultivar of wiry shoots. Long-blooming from August till October. Particularly suitable for growing in small gardens, along paths. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers small, 1-2 cm across, light-yellow, of hyacinth shape set i..

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light pink 0.4 m small VIII, IX, XVIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Stellar'
Clematis 'Stellar'

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white, star-shaped flowers, fragrant 2-3 m small VII, VIII, IXVII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis 'Albina Plena'
Clematis 'Albina Plena'

A very valuable Swedish cultivar, raised as a hybrid of Clematis faurieri and Clematis sibirica. Charming double flowers of the shape of an open bell, 6-8 cm across, slightly nodding. White sepals with pale yellow stamens. Main and the most profuse flower..

Raised by M. Johnson, Sweden 1982.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white, double 3-4 m small IV, VIV, V S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Ballet Skirt'
Clematis 'Ballet Skirt'

An aptly named cultivar with delicate pale pink semi-double flowers and light yellow stamens bearing a close resemblance to a ballet dancer' skirt. Blooms profusely on old wood in early spring, but some flowers continue to appear throughout the summer. In..

Raised by S. Zubrowski, Canada 1981.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale pink, semi-double 1.5-2 m small IV, V, VIIIIV, V, VIII S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis ×diversifolia 'Heather Herschell'
Clematis diversifolia 'Heather Herschell'

A charming perennial clematis with pink, bell-shaped flowers. Its raised, non-clinging stems (as in climbing rose) can lean against a support or sprawl over the ground. It looks lovely meandering amongst other plants and is suitable for growing over small..

Introduced by B. Fretwell, United Kingdom.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pink 1.2-2 m small VII, VIII, IXVII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis GOLDEN TIARA® 'Kugotia'PBR
Clematis GOLDEN TIARA® 'Kugotia'PBR

Odporna odmiana o intensywnie złocistożółtych kwiatach z ciemnym środkiem. Kwitnie obficie i długo, bo od lipca do października. Po przekwitnięciu ma ładne, puszyste owocostany. Nadaje się do tworzenia osłon. Może wspinać się po drzewach lub dużych krzewa..

Raised by H.J.M. Kuif, Netherlands 1994.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
yellow 3 m small VII, VIII, IX, XVII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Riga'
Clematis 'Riga'

An early-flowering (April-May), Swedish cultivar with partially open, slightly nodding, white, 4-tepalled flowers. It resembles Clematis sibirica but has much larger flowers. From June to autumn the plant is adorned with fluffy seed heads. It holds on to ..

Raised by M. Johnson, Sweden 1992.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white 3 m small IV, VIV, V S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Joyfull Heart'
Clematis 'Joyfull Heart'

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicensed propagation prohibited

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness

Clematis 'Akafuji'
Clematis 'Akafuji'

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness