Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

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Clematis 'Violet Surprise' PBR
Clematis 'Violet Surprise' PBR

An intriguing, new Polish cultivar producing always double, dark violet, bell-shaped flowers. The peak of its bloom occurs in May and June. It may grow along various garden supports or interlace with either deciduous or coniferous shrubs. WHAT IT LOOKS..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet 2.5-3 m medium V, VII, VIIIV, VII, VIII S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Isago'
Clematis 'Isago'

A Japanese cultivar with double white flowers in May and June. During summer blooming flowers are semi-double, white with yellow stamens. Twines around the supports by means of curling petioles. Suitable for growing over arbours and pergolas, or training ..

Raised by Susumu Arafune, Japan 1991.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white, double 2.5-3 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Purple Surprise' PBR
Clematis 'Purple Surprise' PBR

An intriguing, new Polish cultivar producing always double or semi-double flowers, purple and bell-shaped. The peak bloom occurs in May and June. It may grow along various garden supports or interlace with deciduous or coniferous shrubs. WHAT IT LOOKS ..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
purple, double 2.5-3 m medium V, VII, VIIIV, VII, VIII S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Pink Surprise'
Clematis 'Pink Surprise'

An intriguing, new Polish cultivar producing always double, violet-pink flowers. The peak bloom occurs in May and June. It may grow along various garden supports or interlace with shrubs, both deciduous and coniferous. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized ..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-pink 2.5-3 m medium V, VII, VIIIV, VII, VIII S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Golden Surprise' PBR
Clematis 'Golden Surprise' PBR

A beautiful, new Polish cultivar of always double or semi-double flowers, light yellow and bell-shaped, of grapefruit scent. The peak bloom occurs in May and June. It may grow along various garden supports or interlace with shrubs, both deciduous and coni..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
jasnożółte 2.5-3 m medium V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Ramona' ('Hybrida Sieboldii Ramona')
Clematis 'Ramona' ('Hybrida Sieboldii Ramona')

A superb cultivar for hot sunny positions. Lavender blue flowers with purple stamens, borne from June to August. Twines around the supports by means of petioles. Suitable for covering fences, pergolas and arbours or training over garden supports such as t..

Introduced by Jackson & Perkins, United States 1888.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
lavender-blue 2.5-3 m big VI, VII, VIIIVI, VII, VIII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Blue Surprise'
Clematis 'Blue Surprise'

An intriguing, new Polish cultivar producing always double or semi-double flowers, violet-blue, white at the base and bell-shaped. The peak bloom occurs in May and June. It may grow along various garden supports or interlace with shrubs, both deciduous an..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue 2.5-3 m medium V, VII, VIIIV, VII, VIII S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 1 (none) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fairy Bells'
Celamtis 'Fairy Bells'

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
lilac rose, bell-shaped 2-2.5 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Fairy Dance'
Clematis 'Fairy Dance'

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light blue, bell-shaped 2.5-3 m small VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Princess Red'
Clematis 'Princess Red'

Fetching, Japanese cultivar of bell-shaped, nodding, pleasantly fruity-scented flowers, 3-3.5 cm in diameter. Flowers consist of 4 carmine sepals with light pink margins and pointy, strongly curled tips. On the outside, sepals have 5 delicate ribs. Stamen..

Raised by Mikiyoshi Chikuma, Japan, before 2008.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
carmine 2.5-3 m small VII, VIII, IX, XVII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Clematis 'Carmencita'
Clematis 'Carmencita'

A healthy free-flowering cultivar with lovely carmine-red textured flowers. Broad rhomboidal tepals are edged in deeper red and are paler pink-red at the base. Reddish purple anthers on greenish filaments. It grows up to 3 m. It needs a lot of light but i..

Raised by M. Johnson, Sweden 1952.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
carmine red 2.5-3 m medium VII, VIII, IXVII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Słowianka'
Clematis 'Słowianka'

A attractive, new, Polish cultivar. Almost round, about 10 cm across, flat flowers consist of 6 deep red, rounded at the tip tepals with a light red central bar. Contrasting yellow anthers on creamy filaments. The blooming is profuse on new wood from mid-..

Raised by Stefan Franczak, Poland. Introduced in 2007.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
dark purple 2.5-3 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Pamela Jackman'
Clematis 'Pamela Jackman'

One of the earliest and most profusely flowering varieties – during April-June, with occasional flowers in summer. Charming, large, rich blue flowers with outer staminodes tinged blue and inner staminodes white are followed during summer and autumn by dec..

Raised by G. R. Jackman, United Kingdom 1939.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue 2.5 m small IV, V, VII, VIIIIV, V, VII, VIII S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 1 (none) 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Clematis 'Królowa Jadwiga'
Clematis 'Królowa Jadwiga'

Polish cultivar bred by Szczepan Marczyński with silky white round flat flowers, 15-16 cm across, composed of 8 oval tepals with slightly wavy edges and a prominent mid-rib. In spring, especially during cool weather, a greenish bar appears along the midri..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in the market in 2009.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white 2.5 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Polonez'
Clematis 'Polonez'

Wine-red textured flowers a lighter bar and yellow anthers. A healthy, free flowering vine that will tolerate moderate soil but needs a sunny site to perform best. It climbs using leaf petioles. Particularly useful for growing over small trees or shrubs, ..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2004.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
wine-red 2.5 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Daniel Deronda'
Clematis 'Daniel Deronda'

A charming cultivar with very large, semi-double, violet-blue, paler towards the center, flowers, borne from May to June. Creamy-yellow anthers. During summer, it repeats flowering, abounding with large but single flowers. It looks particularly lovely whe..

Raised by C. Noble, United Kingdom 1882.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue, semi-double or single 2.5 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Moniuszko'
Clematis 'Moniuszko'

A Polish cultivar with large (about 20 cm in diameter), deep violet, velvety flowers composed of 8 elliptical tepals with wavy edges. Violet anthers on creamy filaments. Blooms from June to September. Attains a height of 2-2.5 m. Attaches itself to suppor..

Raised by Stefan Franczak, Poland 1996.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
deep violet, velvety 2.5 m big VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Mazowsze' VOLCANO
Clematis 'Mazowsze' VOLCANO

Claret velvety flowers 15-20 cm in diameter, on long stems. 6 nicely formed wide tepals. Coffee anthers on yellow filaments grouped in a semicircle. Together with yellow pistils they brighten the flowers. The inner side of the tepals has a whitish bar alo..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2006.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
claret, velvety 2-3.5 m big VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell'
Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell'

Described by its raisers as the best double clematis yet produced. Moderately fast growing cultivar with large, fully double, deep violet-blue flowers flushed with purple and carmine in center, borne on previous year’s wood in May-June. In August single, ..

Raised by W. Pennell, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1959.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
double violet-blue, single in summer 2-3 m big V, VI, VIIIV, VI, VIII S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Warszawska Nike' WARSAW NIKE
Clematis 'Warszawska Nike' WARSAW NIKE

A hardy, floriferous cultivar with a moderate growth rate. Polish variety. Rich royal purple flowers with gold stamens are profusely borne from June to September. Excellent for growing over fences, walls, trellises and poles. It can clamber over natural s..

Raised by Stefan Franczak, Poland. Introduced in 1982.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
rich royal purple 2-3 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9