Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

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Clematis 'Anna's Choice'PBR
Clematis 'Anna's Choice'PBR

Large-flower variety with double and semi-double flowers.  WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicensed propagatio..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-pink 1.8-2 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Expander' PBR
Clematis 'Expander' PBR

Exciting perennial variety with pink, wide opened flowers. Not climber.  WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicen..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
dark pink 1-1.5 m medium VI, VII, XVI, VII, X S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Grześ'
Clematis 'Grześ'

Large-flowered variety with simple maroon-violet flowers. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicensed propagation..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
maroon-violet 2-3 m medium VI, VIIVI, VII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'H.F. Young'
Clematis 'H.F. Young'

A free-flowering cultivar. Single or semi-double, blue flowers are profusely borne from May to June. During summer, it repeats flowering, abounding with large but single flowers. Particularly useful for growing through other plants, against a dark backgro..

Raised by W. Pennell, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1962.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue 2-3 m big V, VI, VIIIV, VI, VIII S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Joyfull Heart'
Clematis 'Joyfull Heart'

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicensed propagation prohibited

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness

Clematis 'Mystic River'PBR
Clematis 'Mystic River'PBR

Fantastic perennial variety. Abundantly and profusely flowering all summer. It has violet-blue flowers with visible darker bar in the middle of the sepals. Not climbing variety. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAI..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
fioletowe 1-1.5 m medium VI, VII, VIII, IXVI, VII, VIII, IX S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Polka'
Clematis 'Polka'

Abundand flowering variety of Viticella Group. Grows strongly. It has white flowers with pink edges of the sepals. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, ..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
różowy 2-3 m medium V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Sweet Morning' PBR
Clematis 'Sweet Morning' PBR

Large-flowered variety with white, fragrant flowers (11-15 cm). WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CULTIVARS:  PBR - unlicensed propa..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
white 2-2.5 m medium V, VIV, VI S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Sweet Wave'PBR
Clematis 'Sweet Wave'PBR

Perennial variety with blue, fragrant flowers raised by Szczepan Marczyński. Novelty in 2025.  WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: HOW IT GROWS:  WHERE TO PLANT:  HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN:  HOW TO APPLY:  ORIGIN: Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland  SIMILAR CUL..

Szczepan Marczyński
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-blue 1-1.7 m medium V, VI, VIIV, VI, VII S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Belle of Woking'
Clematis 'Belle of Woking'

A good variety with pale mauve, double flowers borne on previous year’s wood from late May to July. During summer single flowers are borne on new growth. Grows and flowers best in sunny positions.

Raised by George Jackman & Son, United Kingdom.Introduced in 1881.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale mauve, double, single in summer 2-3 m big V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Chalcedony'
Clematis 'Chalcedony'

A charming cultivar with light blue-lilac flowers, double in May and June, and semi-double during summer blooming. Twines around the supports by means of curling petioles. Suitable for growing over arbours, pergolas and fences, or training over various ga..

Raised by Ellis Strachan, United Kingdom 1984.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
light lilac blue, double 2.5-3 m big V, VI, VIII, IXV, VI, VIII, IX S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Copernicus'PBR
Clematis 'Copernicus'PBR

An attractive Polish cultivar of bright blue, semi-double flowers appearing in abundance throughout summer. Recommended for cultivation in all types of domestic gardens. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers, 10–12 cm across, usually semi-double, wi..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland 1999. Named in 2014, on the market from summer 2016.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
deep blue, always double 2 m medium VI, VII, VIIIVI, VII, VIII S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Guernsey Cream'
Clematis 'Guernsey Cream'

A very floriferous variety blooming from mid-May to July, and again at the end of August. Lightly yellow flowers with yellow stamens and a green bar at the centre, become whiter in full blossom.It doesn't like sunny areas. Looks lovely when planted agains..

Raised by R. J. Evison, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1989.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
bright yellow 2 m big V, VI, VII, VIII, IXV, VI, VII, VIII, IX N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9


A highly attractive Japanese cultivar of double, pink flowers 10-14 cm in diameter, consisting of numerous sepals varying from elliptic to narrow – needle-shaped, bright-pink, sometimes nearly red that acquire green splashes in cold weather. Stamens and s..

Raised by F. Miyata i K. Miyazaki (Japan) in 1994.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
dark pink 1 m medium V, VIV, VI S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa'
Clematis 'Lech Wałęsa'

A new Polish cultivar raised in 2004. Awarded the gold medal at the Plantarium 2005 Arboricultural Trade Fair. Large (20 cm in diameter) pale blue-purple flowers are darker at the margins, while the interior of the tepal is almost white and a central tuft..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2005.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
blue-violet with a lighter bar 2-3 m very big VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Viola'
Clematis 'Viola'

A very free-flowering variety raised in Estonia. Deep bluish-violet velvet flowers with greenish-yellow stamens are profusely borne from the end of June to August. A stunning cultivar, especially effective when grown against a light background.

Raised by U. & A. Kivistik, Estonia.Named in 1987.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
deep bluish-violet 3 m medium VI, VII, VIIIVI, VII, VIII S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, N, E, W 3 (hard) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell'
Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell'

Described by its raisers as the best double clematis yet produced. Moderately fast growing cultivar with large, fully double, deep violet-blue flowers flushed with purple and carmine in center, borne on previous year’s wood in May-June. In August single, ..

Raised by W. Pennell, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1959.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
double violet-blue, single in summer 2-3 m big V, VI, VIIIV, VI, VIII S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
S, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Ai-Nor'
Clematis 'Ai-Nor'

A Russian variety of an interesting flower colour. Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, usually have 6 elliptic, pale pink sepals in a warm delicate hue with darker tips and yellow anthers on white filaments. New growth is purple-coloured. Attaches itself to the..

Raised by M.A. Beskaravainaya (USRR). Named in 1972.
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
pale pink 2-2.5 m big V, VI, VII, VIIIV, VI, VII, VIII N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Clematis 'Akafuji'
Clematis 'Akafuji'

Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness

Clematis 'Akaishi'
Clematis 'Akaishi'

A Japanese cultivar with attractive large bicolor flowers. Purple-crimson sepals with wavy edges and a broad vivid red bar along the center. Creamy filaments tipped with crimson anthers. In direct sunlight flowers fade and wither quickly. Only light pruni..

Introduced by Sakata no Tane Co., Japan
Color of flowers Plants height Flowers size Flowering month Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
violet-purple with a red central bar 2-3 m big V, VI, IXV, VI, IX N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Aspect Pruning way Frost hardiness
N, E, W 2 (light) 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9