Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

Encyclopaedia of vines
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Actinidia arguta 'Geneva'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Geneva'

An American, early blooming prolific female cultivar bearing tasty fruits (Mini Kiwi): sweet, with a honey flavour and aroma, and a smooth, edible skin. Medium-sized roundish berries, with a reddish-brown bloom when in full sun, ripen during September and..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits, leaves V, VIV, VI 4-8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Issai'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Issai'

An ornamental, bearing tasty fruit (Mini Kiwi) climber that will adorn any garden. A rampant growing (up to 4 m tall), dioecious, self-pollinating cultivar with a bit less decorative foliage than that of the other varieties. Blooms in June. In order to be..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits V, VIV, VI 3-4 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6B - 8Zones 6B - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6B - 8Zones 6B - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Jumbo'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Jumbo'

An Italian prolific female form bearing tasty, lasting fruits (Mini Kiwi), with a smooth, edible skin. Oblong, slightly elongated, greenish-yellow berries ripen in October. It starts bearing fruit in its third or fourth year after planting. Sustains frost..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits, leaves V, VIV, VI 8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5B - 8Zones 5B - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5B - 8Zones 5B - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Ken's Red'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Ken's Red'

A New Zealand, prolific, female cultivar bearing tasty, sweet flavoured fruit (Mini Kiwi), with a smooth, edible skin. Lasting, medium-sized, roundish berries, purple red when in full sun, ripen during September and October. It starts bearing fruit in its..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits, leaves V, VIV, VI 8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Purpurna Sadowa'
hardy kiwi, kiwi berry (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Purpurna Sadowa'

A very prolific, Ukrainian, red-berried female cultivar with tasty, durable fruit (Mini Kiwi) that ripen from late September to October. The berries are oval, about 3.5 cm long and 2.5 cm across, purple red when in full sun, and can be eaten unpeeled. The..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits V, VIV, VI 8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5B - 8Zones 5B - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5B - 8Zones 5B - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Weiki' F
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Weiki' F

A rampant growing (up to 8-10 m tall) prolific female climber; needs a male form to pollinate. Blooms in June. In order to bear fruit a plant requires 150 days without frost. Berries ripen in October. If gathered unripe, they soften and mature when put in..

Breeder: Hermann Schimmelpfeng, Technische Universität München, Germany
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits, leaves V, VIV, VI 8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Weiki' M
hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Weiki' M

A rampant growing (up to 8-10 m tall), very interesting male plant, a good pollinator for female and bisexual cultivars of Actinidia arguta - it's enough to plant one male plant for 6-8 female plants. Attractive for its foliage - dark green, slightly lust..

Breeder: Hermann Schimmelpfeng, Technische Universität München, Germany
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves V, VIV, VI 8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Ananasnaya' ('Anna')
hardy kiwi, kiwi berry (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Ananasnaya' ('Anna')

Considered the best cultivar for commercial cultivation (Berry Kiwi, Mini Kiwi). Oval fruits, about 3 cm long and 2,5 cm across, with a brown red bloom when exposed to sunlight ,ripen in early October. They are very tasty and have an edible skin. It start..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits V, VIV, VI 8-10 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Bingo' PBR
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Bingo' PBR

A Polish plentiful cultivar yielding tasty, aromatic berries with a pineapple flavour. Recommended for production plantations and house gardens. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Fruit ovate-oblong, ca. 3 cm long and 2.5 cm across, 8-14 g weight, with a pronounced red..

Raised by Piotr Latocha D. Sc. at the Life Science University of Warsaw. Introduced in the market by Clematis The Source of Good Climbers in 2015.
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits, leaves V, VIV, VI 8 m 2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Chang Bai Giant'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Chang Bai Giant'

More information soon...  

Chang Bai Mountain Research Institute, China
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruit V, VIV, VI 6-8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Domino'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Domino'

More information soon...  

dr Piotr Latocha, SGGW, Poland
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruit V, VIV, VI 8-10 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Kokuwa'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) ‘Kokuwa’

A Japanese, self-pollinating form with tasty lemon-flavoured durable fruit (Mini Kiwi) ripening in late September-October. Oval berries, about 2 cm long and 1,5 cm across can be eaten unpeeled. It starts setting fruit in the 2nd-3rd year after planting. I..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruit VIVI 4-6 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Lucy'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Lucy'

More information soon...  

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruit V, VIV, VI 8-10 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Rogów'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) ‘Rogów’

Polish, prolific female form selected at Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) Arboretum in Rogów. It produces tasty oval berries, 3 cm long and 2 cm wide (Mini Kiwi), with edible skin. Fruits ripen in late September – October. It starts bearing fruit..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruit V, VIV, VI 8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Actinidia arguta SCARLET SEPTEMBER KIWI® 'Mirzan'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) SCARLET SEPTEMBER KIWI® 'Mirzan'

A Polish cultivar yielding red, tasty, sweet fruit (Mini Kiwi). It's the earliest of all cultivars to ripen – it starts at the end of August and yields fruit until mid-September. Recommended for gardens as well as production plantations. WHAT IT LOOKS LI..

Raised by Mirosław Zaniewski, Poland. Introduced in the market by Clematis The Source of Good Climbers in 2015.
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits, leaves V, VIV, VI 8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Actinidia arguta VITIKIWI®
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) VITIKIWI®

An attractive, prolific cultivar that sets fruit without pollination (parthenocarpic). Starts bearing fruit in the 1st-2nd year after planting. Its tasty, green, usually seedless fruit (Mini Kiwi) ripen in October and they have edible skin. Oval shaped, t..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruit VIVI 6-8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8

Actinidia kolomikta 'Adam'
arctic kiwi 'Adam'

A Polish male variety, remarkable on account of its variegated foliage. Leaves, white-green in May, become dramatically splashed with pink in June. The variegation appears in its second, third year after planting and is more prominent on leaves in full su..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VV 3-4 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8

Actinidia kolomikta 'Dr Szymanowski'
arctic kiwi 'Dr Szymanowski'

A striking dioecious climber, reaching up to 3-4m that will adorn any garden. Remarkable on account of the tri-colored variegation of many of its leaves, the terminal half being creamy-white, flushed pink and green. The variegation is not apparent on very..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves, edible fruits VV 3-4 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8

Actinidia kolomikta 'Sentyabrskaya'
arctic kiwi 'Sentyabrskaya'

Exceptionally proliferating very hardy Ukraine female cultivar. White slightly lemon scented flowers borne In May. In order to bear fruit a plant requires about 130 days without frost. Tasty berries ripen in August and fall to the ground. Leaves either gr..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves, edible fruit VV 3-4 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8

Actinidia kolomikta 'Vitakola'
arctic kiwi 'Vitakola'

An excellent Czech cultivar yielding a bounty of tasty fruit, exceptionally large for this species. With its ornamental leaves and lemon scented flowers it is an attractive feature in any garden. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Fruit large, oval, 4-4.5 cm long, so..

Raised in Czech Republic by Jan Kola. Introduced in the market by Clematis The Source of Good Climbers in 2015.
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves, edible fruit VV 3-4 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8