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Wisteria sinensis 'Texas White'
Chinese wisteria 'Texas White'

Flowers white or cream-coulored when fading, gathered in 25-35 cm long panicles, delicately scented., Being one of the earliest varieties it blooms in May on previous year shoots. Leaves are light green in spring and summer, yellow in autumn, pinnately co..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VV 2-2.5 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria sinensis 'Southern Belle'
chinese wisteria 'Southern Belle'

A beautifully blooming cultivar of light-violet blossom gathered in conical racemes. Flowers emanate delicate sweet scent. Blooming in May and in summer. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers very decorative, light-violet, gathered in conical racemes ca. 20 cm lon..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VIIIV, VIII 6 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria sinensis 'Prolific'
chinese wisteria 'Prolific'

A lovely climber reaching up to 6 m (1-3 m of annual growth), long and profusely flowering. Spectacular flowers, blue-violet, brighter at the base, borne in long racemes during May, and sometimes again in August. It starts flowering sooner than many other..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VIIIV, VIII 6 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria sinensis 'Blue Sapphire'
chinese wisteria 'Blue Sapphire'

A charming climber of blue-violet blossom gathered in conical racemes. The flowers are intensely, sweetly scented. Bloom in May and sometimes again in summer. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers very decorative, blue-violet, gathered in conical racemes 20-25 cm ..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VIIIV, VIII 6 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria sinensis 'Amethyst'
chinese wisteria 'Amethyst'

A beatifully blooming climber of dark-violet flowers tinged with purple, gathered in conical racemes. The most fragrant of all wisteria cultivars. Starts blooming in May as one of the earliest wisterias. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers very decorative, dark-..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VIIIV, VIII 6 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria sinensis
chinese wisteria

A lovely climber up to 10m (1-3 m of annual growth). Flowers violet-blue, borne in slender racemes during May and June. Starts flowering in its eight-tenth year after planting. Best grown in sheltered, warm and sunny positions. It may freeze during severe..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VV 10 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon'
kentucky wisteria 'Blue Moon'

An American cultivar, highly frost hardy, blooming later than Asian wisterias. Its most admirable feature are the blue, fragrant flowers gathered in long inflorescences. It may be trained into a tree shape. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers blue, fragrant, g..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VI, VIIIVI, VIII 5-6 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Wisteria frutescens 'Nivea'
american wisteria 'Nivea'

An American, hardy cultivar bearing fragrant flowers. Attractive blooms appear twice a year – in spring and in summer. It is undemanding and easy to grow.   WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: White flowers with a yellow eye, fragrant, gathered in bulky racemes 10 cm ..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VIV, VI 5 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Wisteria frutescens 'Longwood Purple'
american wisteria 'Longwood Purple'

An American, frost hardy cultivar, with flowers borne later than Asian wisterias. Spectacular flowers open twice a year – in spring and in summer. It is undemanding and easy to maintain. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers ligh-violet with yellow center, fragran..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VIV, VI 5 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 5 - 9Zones 5 - 9

Wisteria floribunda 'Violacea Plena' ('Black Dragon')
Japanese Wisteria 'Violacea Plena'

A lovely, vigorous climber up to 10 m (1-3 m of annual growth). Violet, double flowers are borne in long racemes during May and June. Starts flowering in its third, fourth year after planting. The stems twine in an anti-clockwise direction. Leaves pinnate..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VV 6-10 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

A lovely, vigorous climber reaching up to 10 m (1-3 m of annual growth). White flowers borne in slender racemes during May and June. Starts flowering in its forth, fifth year after planting. The stems twine in an anti-clockwise direction. Leaves pinnate, ..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VV 6-10 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple'
japanese wisteria 'Royal Purple'

A cultivar of beautiful, violet, sweet-scented blossom gathered in long, conical racemes. One of the earliest blooming wisteria cultivars, opening its flowers at the beginning of May.  Recommended for gardens large and small. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers ..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VV 6-8 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria floribunda 'Murasaki-noda' ('Purple Patches')
japanese wisteria 'Murasaki-noda'

Violet blue flowers, gathered in long racemes, appear in May. Pinnate green leaves turn yellow in autumn. The stems twine in an anti-clockwise direction. Attains a height of 6-10 m (1-3 m annually). Best grown in a sheltered, warm and sunny positions. It ..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VV 6-10 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 9Zones 6A - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 9Zones 6A - 9

Wisteria floribunda 'Multijuga' ('Macrobotrys')
japanese wisteria 'Multijuga'

A lovely, vigorous climber up to 10 m (1-3 m of annual growth). Violet flowers are borne in exceptionally long racemes during May and June. Starts flowering in its third, fourth year after planting. The stems twine in an anti-clockwise direction. Leaves p..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VV 6-10 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria floribunda 'Ludwik Lawin' ('B')
japanese wisteria 'Ludwik Lawin' ('B')

A lovely climber reaching up to 10 m (1-3 m of annual growth), long and profusely flowering. A striking floral display: light violet, with a white spot at the base, flowers are borne in long racemes during May. Starts blooming the third, forth season afte..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VIIIV, VIII 10 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria floribunda 'Kuchi-beni' ('Lipstick')
japanese wisteria ‘Kuchi-beni’

A beautiful vigorous flowering climber. Pale pink flowers gathered in long racemes. The leaves are pinnate, green in summer and yellow in autumn. The stems twine round the support. It produces best flowers in a warm, sunny, sheltered spot. It requires stu..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VV 6-10 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

A lovely, vigorous climber up to 10 m (1-3 m of annual growth). Pink flowers are borne in long racemes during May. Starts flowering in its third, fourth year after planting. The stems twine in an anti-clockwise direction. Leaves pinnate, green, turning ye..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VIIIV, VIII 6-10 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

A lovely climber reaching up to 3-6 m (1-2 m of annual growth). Stunning, light violet with a white spot at the base flowers are borne in long racemes. It starts flowering sooner than many other wisterias - usually the second, third season after planting...

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers V, VIIIV, VIII 4 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Wisteria floribunda 'Blue Dream'
Japanese Wisteria 'Blue Dream'

A German cultivar of beautiful blue, delicately fragrant flowers gathered in long racemes. Leaves are compound pinnate, green during summer and yellow in autumn. Tendrils twine around supports. Flowers best in warm, sunny and wind-sheltered sites. Require..

The cultivar selected in Arboretum Ellerhoop in Germany.
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VV 6-10 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8