Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

Encyclopaedia of vines
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Hedera helix 'Thorndale'
Common Ivy 'Thorndale'

This vigorous and spreading climber is recognized as one of the hardiest ivy cultivars. Reaches a height of over 20 m (1 m of annual growth). Notable for its glossy dark green leathery leaves with white veins. It attaches itself to supports by aerial root..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves, XI IXIX 20-30 m 0.5-1 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 10Zones 5B - 10
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
0.5-1 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 10Zones 5B - 10

Hedera helix 'Woerner'
Common Ivy 'Woerner'

A vigorous, spreading and relatively frost hardy climber. Leaves are large (8-12 cm long), evergreen, leathery, deep green in colour with prominent white veins and most often divided into 5 lobes. Well capable of scaling a wall, it adheres itself to the s..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves 20-30 m 1 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 10Zones 5B - 10
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 10Zones 5B - 10

Hedera helix 'Białystok'
Common Ivy 'Białystok'

A strong-growing and strong-propagating Polish variety of ivy, relatively frost hardy, selected in North-eastern Poland. Large leaves(8-12 cm), usually with 5 lobes, leathery, evergreen. Dark green on the upper side, underside is light green, as are the v..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves 20 m 1 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 10Zones 5B - 10
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 10Zones 5B - 10

Hedera helix 'Profesor Seneta’
Common Ivy 'Profesor Seneta’

Polish variety selected by Dariusz Wyrwicki. Large (8-12 cm) mostly 5-lobed, evergreen, leathery, green leaves with creamy marble variegation. A good-growing, spreading and quite hardy plant. It clings to the support by means of adventitious roots and can..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves 20 m 1 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 10Zones 5B - 10
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 10Zones 5B - 10

Vitis amurensis
Amur river grape

A vigorous climber (but a slower grower than Vitis coignetiae) with stunning, large (15-25 cm), 3-5 lobed leaves that turn crimson in autumn. Attains a height of 15 m with up to 2 m of annual growth. It has small soil requirements and is frost hardy. Nati..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves V, VIV, VI 15 m 2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 7Zones 4 - 7
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 7Zones 4 - 7

Celastrus orbiculatus 'Diana'
Oriental Bittersweet 'Diana'

A strong-growing, twining vine reaching a height of 12 m. A female, profusely fruiting form. Tolerant of cold temperatures and various soil and light conditions. Lots of lovely roundish leaves, turning clear yellow in autumn. Striking yellow-red fruits (o..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
friuts, leaves V, VIV, VI 12 m 1-4 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-4 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8

Celastrus orbiculatus M
Oriental Bittersweet M

A male form of a strong-growing, twining vine reaching a height of 12 m. Tolerant of cold temperatures and various soil and light conditions. Lots of lovely roundish leaves turning clear yellow in autumn. A good pollinator, ensures profuse fruiting of fem..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves V, VIV, VI 12 m 1-4 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-4 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 4 - 8Zones 4 - 8

Vitis coignetiae
Crimson Glory Vine

A spectacular, strong-growing climber reaching over 10m (up to 4m of annual growth). Large, handsome leaves turn scarlet in autumn giving a magnificent display. Very hardy with no special soil requirements. Suitable for climbing tall fences, arbors and st..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves V, VIV, VI 12 m 4 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 7Zones 5 - 7
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
4 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 7Zones 5 - 7

Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Yellow Wall' PBR
Virginia Creeper 'Yellow Wall' PBR

A variety derived by Szczepan Marczyński and offered for sale in 2011. It has large matt leaves, which are green in the summer and yellow in the autumn. It grows up to 10-20 m high, climbing with the tendrils tipped with few adhesive pads. This variety is..

Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland. Introduced in 2011.
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VIVI 10-20 m 1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. engelmannii
Engelmann's Virginia Creeper, Engelmann's Ivy Plant

A popular self-clinging variety with numerous adhesive pads at tendrils’ ends that enable the plant to climb over smooth surfaces. Leaves compound, consisting of 5 elliptical lobes, pointy and dentate, dark green lustreless on the upper side and light gre..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VIVI 10-20 m 1-2 m 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

A valuable, fully hardy, strong-growing climber reaching even 20 m (0,5-1 m of annual growth) in suitable trees. It attaches itself by means of aerial roots, though may require initial support. Flowers in corymbs, in June to July, greenish-white, with sev..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves, flowers VI-VII VI, VIIVI, VII 10-20 m 0.5-1 m 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5 - 7Zones 5 - 7
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
0.5-1 m 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5 - 7Zones 5 - 7

Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. murorum
Virginia Creeper 'Murorum'

A strong-growing, self-clinging vine adhering itself to supports by means of adhesive pads at the ends of leaf tendrils - commonly referred to as "Virginia Creeper". Tall-growing, reaches a height of 10-20 m (1-2 m of annual growth). Fully hardy, healthy ..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VIVI 10-20 m 1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

A common, vigorous, self-clinging vine adhering itself to supports by means of adhesive pads at the ends of leaf tendrils. Tall-growing, it reaches a height of 10-20m (1-2m of annual growth). Leaves single, three-lobed, firm, glossy deep green, turning br..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VIVI 10-20 m 1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8

Parthenocissus tricuspidata 'Green Spring'
Boston Ivy 'Green Spring'

A common, vigorous, self-clinging vine adhering itself to supports by means of adhesive pads at the ends of leaf tendrils. Leaves large, single, 3-lobed, firm, glossy deep green, turning brilliant scarlet in autumn resemble tile work. Excellent on a wall..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VIVI 10-20 m 1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

A strong-growing, self-clinging vine adhering itself to supports by means of adhesive pads at the ends of leaf tendrils. Tall-growing, it reaches a height of 10-20 m (1-2 m of annual growth). Healthy and undemanding species, but may freeze during sever wi..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VIVI 10-20 m 1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Virginia Creeper

A strong-growing, self-clinging vine adhering itself to supports by means of leaf tendrils - commonly referred to as "Virginia Creeper". Tall-growing, reaches a height of 10-20 m (1-2 m of annual growth). A fully hardy, healthy and undemanding species. Gr..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VIVI 10-20 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Parthenocissus quinquefolia REDWALL® 'Troki'
Virginia Creeper REDWALL® 'Troki'

A polish variety with attractive large glossy leaves, green in summer, turning to deep fiery red in autumn. A vigorous self-clinging climber attaching itself by means of leaf tendrils - commonly referred to as "Virginia Creeper". It grows up to 10-20 m wi..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VIVI 10-20 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Parthenocissus inserta
Thicket Creeper

A vigorous, undemanding climber that climbs using leaf tendrils (without adhesive pads). Leaves, composed of 5 egg-shaped, coarsely toothed leaflets, are green in summer, and turn red in autumn. It attains a height of 10-20 m (1-2 m of annual growth). Gen..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves VIVI 10-20 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 3 - 9Zones 3 - 9

Fallopia baldschuanica (F. aubertii)
Silvervine Fleeceflower

The most rampant climber of our climate with densely twining stems up to 12m long (6m of annual growth). Small, green, ovate-lanceolate leaves fall off after frost. From August to October tiny white flowers are borne abundantly on short branchlets. Though..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves, flowers VIII, IX, XVIII, IX, X 10-15 m 6 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
6 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Schisandra chinensis 'Sadova No.1', wu-wei-zi
five flavour berry (magnolia vine, wu-wei-zi) ‘Sadova No.1’

A Ukrainian, autogamous variety abundant in fruit. Its valuable stems are used for decorative, medicinal and nutritional purposes. The fruit, but also to some extent the leaves and the bark contain schisandrine (toning and strengthening substance), Vitami..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits, leaves V, VIV, VI 10 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 5A - 8Zones 5A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow, sun 5A - 8Zones 5A - 8