Encyclopaedia - Clematis - Źródło Dobrych Pnączy

Encyclopaedia of vines
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Rosa 'Compassion'
Climbing rose 'Compassion'

Free-flowering rose of fragrant, shapely creamy-pink flowers similar to those of large-flowered roses. Suitable as cut flowers. Disease resistant.  WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers 10 cm across, double, exceptionally shapely – they remind of the Large-flowere..

Great Britain. Introduced in the market by R. Harkness Co. Ltd. in 1973.
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X 1-4 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Rosa 'Morgengruss'
Climbing rose 'Morgengruss'

Long-flowering cultivar of double, elaborate, pink-orange flowers. Vigorous and disease resistant.   WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers 8 cm across, double, pink-orange; flowering starts in VI and is repeated many times until autumn. Pleasantly, strongly scente..

Raised by Wilhelm J.H. Kordes in 1962. Germany.
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X 2-4 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Lonicera similis var. delavayi
Delavay honeysuckle

Fast-growing climber with flowers initially white, then yellow, of an intensive, pleasant fragrance. Free-flowering for a long time ‑ from June till October. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Semi-evergreen, lanceolate, pointed, dark green leaves provide a handsome ..

Yunnan Province, China
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
fragrant flowers VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X 4-6 m 1-2 m sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 6A - 9Zones 6A - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 6A - 9Zones 6A - 9

Lonicera acuminata
Japanese honeysuckle

An interesting though rarely encountered evergreen climber with velvety-hairy leaves. Flowers small, yellowish, from June to October, mainly on new growth, followed by purplish-black berries with a light waxy bloom. A vigorous species forming a dense tang..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
evergreen leaves, flowers VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X 4 m 1-2 m 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 6A - 9Zones 6A - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 6A - 9Zones 6A - 9

Lonicera japonica 'Halliana'
Japanese Honeysuckle 'Halliana'

A rampant species reaching up to 4-6 m (1-2 m of annual growth) on a suitable support. Flowers white, changing to yellow, very fragrant, produced continuously on the young growths from June to October. Exceptionally floriferous. Semi-evergreen leaves on v..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
fragrant flowers VI, VII, VIII, IX, XVI, VII, VIII, IX, X 4-6 m 1-2 m sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 6A - 9Zones 6A - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 6A - 9Zones 6A - 9

Hedera colchica 'Dentata'
Colchis Ivy 'Dentata'

A striking, strong-growing ivy variety of exceptionally large leaves but moderate frost hardiness. Selected before 1870 by J. F. Ruprecht in the native site in Caucasus. The leaves are 15-20 cm long, varying from ovate to cordate, non-lobed, irregularly d..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves IX, X, XIIX, X, XI 7 m 1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 7 - 10Zones 7 - 10
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 7 - 10Zones 7 - 10

Hedera colchica 'Dentata Variegata'
Colchis Ivy 'Dentata Variegata'

A striking, strong-growing variety of ivy with exceptionally large leaves, splashed with cream colour but of a moderate frost hardiness. Selected in Great Britain before 1907. The leaves are 15-20 cm long, varying from ovate to cordate, non-lobed, irregul..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves, XI IX, X, XIIX, X, XI 7 m 1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 7 - 10Zones 7 - 10
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 7 - 10Zones 7 - 10

Hedera colchica 'Sulphur Heart'
Colchis Ivy 'Sulphur Heart'

A striking, very strong-growing ivy variety of exceptionally large green and yellow leaves but moderate frost hardiness. The leaves are 15-20 cm long, varying from ovate to cordate, non-lobed, irregularly dentate, evergreen, leathery, lustrous, green with..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves IX, X, XIIX, X, XI 7 m 1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 7 - 10Zones 7 - 10
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 7 - 10Zones 7 - 10

Fallopia baldschuanica (F. aubertii)
Silvervine Fleeceflower

The most rampant climber of our climate with densely twining stems up to 12m long (6m of annual growth). Small, green, ovate-lanceolate leaves fall off after frost. From August to October tiny white flowers are borne abundantly on short branchlets. Though..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves, flowers VIII, IX, XVIII, IX, X 10-15 m 6 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
6 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6A - 8Zones 6A - 8

Calystegia hederacea 'Flore Pleno' ('Multiplex')
japanese bindweed (california rose) 'Flore Pleno'

A climbing perennial with very interesting flowers: double ball-like vivid pink flowers. Blossoms form July to September. Arrow-like downy leaves. In spring, old woody stems should be cut back just at the base of the plant. Best grown in a warm sunny posi..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VII, VIII, IXVII, VIII, IX 2-3 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 9Zones 6 - 9

Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon'
kentucky wisteria 'Blue Moon'

An American cultivar, highly frost hardy, blooming later than Asian wisterias. Its most admirable feature are the blue, fragrant flowers gathered in long inflorescences. It may be trained into a tree shape. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers blue, fragrant, g..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VI, VIIIVI, VIII 5-6 m 1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m sun, 3/4 sun 4 - 9Zones 4 - 9

Schizophragma hydrangeoides BURST OF LIGHT®
Japanese Hydrangea-vine BURST OF LIGHT®

A plant of beautiful, large, white-green variegated leaves and creamy white flowers gathered in corymbs. Recommended for shaded or semi-shaded sites, along walls and under trees, suitable also as a ground cover. Perfect for bringing light to darker areas ..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves, flowers VI, VIIVI, VII 6 m 0.5 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 8Zones 5B - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
0.5 m 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5B - 8Zones 5B - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Ananasnaya' ('Anna')
hardy kiwi, kiwi berry (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Ananasnaya' ('Anna')

Considered the best cultivar for commercial cultivation (Berry Kiwi, Mini Kiwi). Oval fruits, about 3 cm long and 2,5 cm across, with a brown red bloom when exposed to sunlight ,ripen in early October. They are very tasty and have an edible skin. It start..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruits V, VIV, VI 8-10 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Lonicera japonica 'Kogel-mogel'
Japanese Honeysuckle 'Kogel-mogel'

Interesująca odmiana o zielonych liściach z szerokim, żółtym obrzeżeniem. Drobne, lekko pachnące kwiaty początkowo są kremoworóżowe, potem żółtopomarańczowe. Pojawiają się w czerwcu i lipcu. Sprawdzi się zarówno jako pnącze jak i roślina okrywowa. JAK WY..

Szczepan Marczyński
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
kwiaty, liście VI, VIIVI, VII 3-4 m 0.5-1 m 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 6B - 9Zones 6B - 9
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
0.5-1 m 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun 6B - 9Zones 6B - 9

Rosa 'Apple Blossom'
Climbing rose 'Apple Blossom'

Strong-growing and free-flowering of unusual pale pink flowers similar to apple blossom. Its asset is the ability to grow in a shade. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers 3-4 cm across, single, delicate, pale pink, similar to apple blossom; appear in VI and VII; ..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
flowers VI, VIIVI, VII 4-5 m 1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 5 - 8Zones 5 - 8

Actinidia arguta 'Chang Bai Giant'
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Chang Bai Giant'

More information soon...  

Chang Bai Mountain Research Institute, China
Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
edible fruit V, VIV, VI 6-8 m 2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
2-3 m sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun 6 - 8Zones 6 - 8

A vigorous climber growing up to 10 m tall (1-2 m of annual growth). Strikingly large, heart-shaped leaves up to 30 cm in length are its main attraction. Unusual, small (2-4 cm), pipe-like flowers blooming in May-June. Best planted in half-shade. It requi..

Decoration form Flowering month Plants height Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
leaves V, VIV, VI 10 m 1-2 m 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5 - 7Zones 5 - 7
Annual growth Aspect Frost hardiness
1-2 m 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow 5 - 7Zones 5 - 7