Clematis 'Multi Blue'
Clematis 'Multi Blue'
Clematis 'Multi Blue'
Clematis 'Multi Blue'
Color of flowers | deep navy-blue, always double |
Plants height |
Flowers size |
Flowering month | V, VI, VII, VIII V, VI, VII, VIII |
Aspect | S, N, E, W |
Pruning way |
Frost hardiness | 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9 |
A hardy, compact cultivar with double navy-blue flowers on both old and new growth, from May to August. Suitable for growing over fences, walls, trellises and poles. It can clamber over natural supports e.g. deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Particularly useful for cultivation in small gardens, or in containers on terraces and balconies.