Atragene Group
Clematis 'White Swan'
Clematis 'White Swan'
Atragene Group
Clematis 'White Swan'
Clematis 'White Swan'
Color of flowers | white, semi-double |
Plants height |
Flowers size |
Flowering month | IV, V IV, V |
Aspect | S, N, E, W |
Pruning way |
Frost hardiness | 3 - 9 Zones 3 - 9 |
An early-flowering variety. Beautiful, double, pure-white flowers with very long and twisted sepals, borne during April and May. During summer and autumn they are followed by decorative, bright, silky seed heads, becoming fluffy and gray with age. A very hardy plant with low requirements, it will grow in semi-shaded positions Ideal for growing over low fences and walls or scrambling over rocks, old stumps, shrubs and conifers. Makes good ground cover.