Clematis 'Laura'
Clematis 'Laura'
Clematis 'Laura'
Clematis 'Laura'
Color of flowers | sky blue |
Plants height |
Flowers size |
Flowering month | V, VI, VII, IX V, VI, VII, IX |
Aspect | S, N, E, W |
Pruning way |
Frost hardiness | 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9 |
A Polish cultivar with sky blue flowers, 15-18 cm across, with a paler central bar. 6 elliptic long-pointed tepals with slightly wavy edges overlap only at the base. Red-purple anthers on creamy filaments. Flowers appear from the end of May to the end of July, and even in September if you trim off the faded flowers. It attains the height of 2-3 m and attaches itself to the support by means of twining leaf petioles. Useful for growing on fences, arbours, trellises, poles and other garden supports. It can climb up natural supports such as deciduous and coniferous shrubs or dwarf shrubs that don’t require hard pruning. It gives a spectacular display when planted against a dark background or growing through yellow-leafed or yellow-flowered plants. Suitable for container-growing.