Integrifolia Group
Clematis 'Blue Sensation'
Clematis 'Blue Sensation'
Integrifolia Group
Clematis 'Blue Sensation'
Clematis 'Blue Sensation'
Color of flowers | violet-blue |
Plants height |
Flowers size |
Flowering month | VI, VII, VIII, IX VI, VII, VIII, IX |
Aspect | S, E, W |
Pruning way |
Frost hardiness | 4 - 9 Zones 4 - 9 |
A perennial cultivar of violet-blue flowers opening from June to October. Recommended for perennial borders or for planting among lower shrubs.
WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Flowers small, 6-8 cm across, violet-blue, consisting of 4 (sometimes 6) oblong sepals with yellow anthers on violet-blue filaments and a bunch of light yellow pistils. Blooms profusely from June till July and then moderately until October. Leaves are single, wide ovals, dark green. Ornamental fruit remain on the stems from July till November. Without support the plant scrambles over ground.
HOW IT GROWS: A perennial vine; does not attach itself to supports but it can lean on them. Moderate growth rate up to 1-1.5 m annually.
WHERE TO PLANT: Does not have any particular requirements but prefers sunny sites and fertile, permeable, neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Frost hardy (Zone 4-9).
HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN: Place the plant in a 30 x 30 x 30 cm hole of fertile soil with a couple of cm layer of drainage at the bottom, 1 cm deeper than it was before. Plant at least 30 cm from walls or other plants. In early spring prune the dead shoots just above the ground and the live ones 5-10 cm from the base. Cover the ground around the base with bark mulch, for winter protection pile it up to 10 cm. In April fertilize with Osmocote 5-6M, water abundantly during vegetative season.
HOW TO APPLY: The cultivar is recommended for perennial borders or for planting among lower shrubs. It can be also useful as a ground cover.
ORIGIN: Raised by Gerard S. Kuijf, Netherlands.
SIMILAR CULTIVARS: x durandii, 'Sizaia Ptitsa', 'Arabella', 'Ryuan'.